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Al Mafraq Hospital

Abu Dhabi, UAE

World-class Healthcare Design Aligning with Abu Dhabi’s Global Vision

Master Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 is driven by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Abu Dhabi's Emir's grand vision for the city to develop as a global capital. This plan divides Abu Dhabi into districts of which the core Capital District is the location for this 750 bed hospital campus. Efficiently connected to the rest of the districts by road as well as rail, this site is planned to accommodate a large housing zone and an office park along with several civic amenities over and above the redeveloped Al Mafraq Hospital. Thus envisioned as part of a grand development plan, the hospital campus, too, is expected to deliver healthcare that is at a large scale, technologically advanced, with superlatively sustainable systems and covering the entire range of medical care categories.