Performance and aesthetics are two sides of one coin at INI

At INI, we understand that it is not only our environmental but also our ethical responsibility to conserve resources and reduce emissions. We believe in walking our talk – our studio is a IGBC - LEED platinum certified office showcasing our ideology and environmental ethics. Adhering to the prescribed sustainability norms such as IGBC, LEED or GRIHA, in the Indian context, we strive to incorporate sustainable design without compromising the architectural and design intent. We advocate sustainability, and at minimum, our work includes “silent green” design, taking into consideration sensible design measures such as proper building orientation, influencing site selection and best use of its natural features, preservation of natural resources, building enclosure design that responds to climate and temperature, landscape that cools and beautifies the building environs, use of environmentally friendly materials, use of Smart Growth principles, and so forth. In addition, we aggressively pursue and encourage our clients to adopt, formal sustainable design programs such as LEED certification.
Our comprehensive services include:
- Green documentation and Certification Consulting
- Energy modelling
- Passive Strategies
- Process Optimization
- Building Information Modelling
- Simulation for Commissioning
- Control and Monitoring
- Modelling for Passive Buildings
- Solar Energy Utilization
- Simulation and Real Performance
- Indoor Air Quality and Thermal comfort
- Energy Audits